Here is a project that is near and dear to my heart: Fly Ranch, an otherworldly oasis in the desert. Water, wildlife, wonder, responsibility, and possibility.
In this episode of Burning Man Live, Zac Cirivello manages Fly Ranch in Nevada. He shares about stewarding the majestic and extreme natural sanctuary.
Elizabeth Monoian and Robert Ferry, founding Co-Directors of the Land Art Generator, direct the organization, and challenge artists and engineers - anyone - to design aesthetic and harmonious energy infrastructure for prototyping in the extreme environment of Fly Ranch.
I talk about how “Burning Man” became Black Rock City at Fly Ranch in 1997 - a crucial year in Burning Man's legacy - when its citizens took ownership to the streets. My audio starts at 51:10.
Tune in for many wonderful morsels of information. > Tune In by Clicking This Link