Habitat Annihilation (noun)
ˈha-bə-ˌtat ə-ˌnī-ə-ˈlā-shən
1. The complete and irreversible destruction of the natural environment, including ecosystems, plant and animal life, primarily caused by human activities such as industrialization, resource extraction, and unsustainable agricultural practices.
2. A term used to describe the ongoing degradation of Earth's habitats due to overconsumption, fossil fuel dependence, and environmentally harmful societal structures, often leading to the loss of biodiversity and the planet's ability to support life.
— First Known Use: 2023, Will Roger.
HABITAT ANNIHILATION: Humans Have Changed the Earth, Now the Earth Will Change Humans
Humanity has reached a critical, unprecedented point in its history. Our modern civilization is destroying our habitat. Our Domination Culture is built upon steel, plastic, cement, glass and ammonia, and our bloated energy consumption is fossil fuel based, none of which are renewable, regenerative or sustainable. Clearly a dramatic change in how we live on this amazing planet is required to save our future. This change in our lifestyle emanates whether we make it intentionally or if not, through the forces and power of the Earth. We don't have time to negotiate with the power structure of the domination culture.
While many indigenous peoples continue to exist sustainably, renewably, and regeneratively on the planet, the rest of us must shift our focus away from consumer culture. Simplify our life. The source of happiness is not consumer goods, but rather the astonishment of the natural world and one's relationships with other humans and nature.
The Domination Culture will continue to ravage the Earth for its resources, the distribution of wealth will continue to be grossly skewed, the War Machine will continue to be based on profit and resources, and the class structure will continue to facilitate prejudice and hatred.
The issue is awakening to the human challenge of living in harmony, sustainably, and in union with all other life on this miraculous planet. We must view the Earth as the source of all life, not as a resource. Our eco-system has been degraded to the extent where we have entered the unknown. Despite that fact we continue to adhere to a lifestyle that is destroying our habitat, we are already straining all terrestrial and marine ecosystems. In just a few more decades, the trajectory of our Domination Culture will render the planet uninhabitable for humans and millions of other species of life.
Extreme problems necessitate extreme solutions. It is impossible to repair a damaged system without first establishing a new foundation, a new system. There needs to be a shift in our level of consciousness. There must be a change in the way we perceive things and think.
All of our loyalties are incorrect and misguided. Instead of honoring and worshiping the Earth, the source of all creation, we pray to invisible entities created by humans in order to control the Earth's resources. We give our allegiance to nations, states, political parties, sports organizations, and a wide range of other groups so that we might experience a sense of safety, inclusion, and enjoyment, despite the fact that these affiliations deliver nothing but deception.
It's not climate change that we're experiencing; it's habitat annihilation[1]! The term climate change are descriptive words invented by the Domination Culture to soften the perception of the effects our civilization is having on our ecosystem. The real effect is habitat annihilation.
The notion that we can increase our wealth by exploiting the earth's natural resources is one of the fundamental premises underlying the destruction of our natural environment. Our Domination Culture acts without concern for ethics or morals, and it commits violations. If there is the potential for a profit, then there are no rules.
Indigenous people constantly take into account the effects that their activities will have on the Earth in the long run. When the Earth provides for them, they express gratitude. The Earth will provide if she is treated with the respect she deserves, the source of life as we know it.
We do have access to a wide variety of resources, technologies, and processes that have the potential to supplant and completely transform our current misuse of carbon based fuels. We might bring agriculture back closer to home and urge everyone who is able to do so to start a garden, keep some chickens, plant some trees, compost, and rediscover their love of the earth and its flora and fauna. Organic materials that break down in the environment can serve as an alternative to plastics. Our bloated entertainment system might be slimmed down if more people made an effort to actively experience the wonder that is there in the natural world. We are privileged to live in an interesting time, on a miraculous planet.
Even though our everyday lives are a miracle, many would rather watch a reality TV show than live in reality. The vast majority of us, without our knowledge or consent, are conditioned from birth onward to be good consumers. Because of this our allegiance to consumerism runs very deep.
In spite of the fact that we are currently attempting to make the switch to "clean" energy, no one is suggesting that we figure out how to utilize significantly less energy. Our use of energy is directly correlated to levels of profit, hence reducing energy use will result in decreased profits. The same can be said about our overpopulation.
Each year, billions of dollars are spent on "entertainment," which serves to isolate us from the natural world, give a framework for our morals and desires, and shape our perspective of the world by using actors who become our heroes while simultaneously selling us a falsehood. Advertising, the profit pitch, is even more insidious, shaping our view of who we think we are to be good consumers. We can group entertainment, advertising and the news media here all promoting the dangerous core values of consumerism.
Food, clothing, and shelter are the essentials. If we concentrated our knowledge and renewable resources on these three basics, we could drastically cut the amount of energy we consume, divide the abundance of the Earth in a way that is fair and equal, and remove the excess and waste that are associated with the Domination Culture, this would allow us to live the way our distant ancestors lived. This is how indigenous people live today. This is the way we are meant to live on this sacred planet Earth.