We are all asleep: REALIZE the Paradigm Shift.
I would like to propose an idea that I have been thinking about for a few years now. We are all asleep, trained from birth to be members of a civilization bent on destroying our human habitat. This civilization thrives by taking resources from the Earth to create a bloated lifestyle that ignores the delicate balance needed to maintain our lives on this planet Earth. Let us look at what needs to be changed in the dominant culture to restore balance toward healing the Earth, humanity, and all living creatures.
During the Bronze Age, as we departed from the 2,000,000-years of how Homo erectus had lived on this planet in harmony and began to mine the Earth’s resources and develop agriculture, our population began to increase. During the Industrial Revolution, we began to use coal and oil to mechanize and manufacture. Men and women’s roles changed to support an increasing population that industry needed to create more profit. We created religions that supported the dominant culture and underscored our dominance over the Earth. We developed belief systems and languages that supported this dominance. Chauvinism, competition, greed, profit, wealth accumulation, consumerism, superiority, and individualism became the operative constructs that our dominant culture required. It is in our language, education, politics, entertainment, economics, and who we think we are!
Yes, our thoughts, which is our dominant culture’s language, help define our role in its support.
It is time to wake up and become the who that we are. One Earth. One Humanity. We are all human. The Earth is a rock tumbling through the universe. It had water and the correct elements and conditions to create simple life forms. Throughout billions of years, the Earth created all the flora and fauna that exist or ever existed, including humans. Everything we perceive on Earth was created by the Earth or its resources. Creation energy is Earth energy, and they are inseparable.
We need to start worshiping the Earth again and recognize her as our Mother.
We are all asleep, drugged by the life we live to support the dominant culture (some call it the economy or capitalism).
The present pandemic has caused a small crack in the illusion that we are forced to live. Maybe it is a wakeup call from the Earth Mother. The men in power want the economy to return to normal because that is where their profit is. We live in a culture whose foundation is flawed. Instead of caring, nurturing in harmony with all life on Earth and with each other, we live a life of greed, competition, dominance, and arrogance to believe that we and our way of life are superior. All the while, this very culture and economy are destroying our habitat for the continuation of human life on this planet. Our way of life in this dominant culture is a learned behavior—we are not born with it. We learn our roles, behaviors, likes and dislikes, allegiances, political systems, and belief systems. All of it is learned from the brainwashing we get from living in this culture. We think we have freedom. What we have is just an illusion of it. Right now, we have the opportunity to reboot, change the way we live on this planet, and become the who that we are. While most will see this paradigm shift as impractical, delusional, I say that the reaction is based on our conditioning from the dominant culture for its preservation.
Here’s what we need to do as I see it.
1. Stop all mining and oil production.
2. Stop big agriculture.
3. Stop all new plastic production.
4. Ban and dismantle all corporations except for non-profits.
5. Drop all national boundaries.
6. Honor, revere, worship the Earth above all other deities.
7. Eliminate prejudices, barriers, obstacles, and boundaries toward gender, race, beliefs, and locations.
8. Eliminate special interest lobbying from all governments. Eliminate government wherever possible.
9. Eliminate the War Machine (military, industrial, corporate complex).
10. Eliminate money.
1. Plant trees.
2. Establish One Earth, One Humanity.
3. Retool all manufacturing to use only renewable and sustainable resources.
4. Everyone has a garden.
5. Economy based on equality, local distribution, and gifting.
6. Free essential medical/medicine for everyone.
7. Education system where art and science are equal.
8. Women are revered as more than equal as the bearers of life. Women have full sovereignty.
9. Create a system where nurturing and healing are revered above all else.
10. Recreate an educational system that supports all of the above.
The Earth Mother will do what she needs to do to wake up humanity or eliminate humanity. We make the change with intention, or we resist, clutching to a diseased culture. Either way, the time of change, the time of waking up, is here!
A good place to start waking up is to become the observer of your thoughts; become aware. See your place on this planet, see the miracle of life. Seek out the awe, become mindful of the magic that is all around you. Then, begin to believe in the magic again.
The very core of our dominant culture is flawed. Begin to worship the Earth, the home of all life. Understand that we humans are intertwined with all life on this planet, our Earth Mother. What makes humans the same is much greater than what makes us different. See this and love all humans as brothers and sisters.
Do not be afraid to be radical in your thoughts and actions. Be fearless. The future of our life on this planet depends on it!
Wake up to the miracle of life on this planet. Become a caretaker, a nurturer, a healer. There’s magic in this as you become more engaged with the power of the Earth. Wake up to the predicament that we are all in. And above all, be fearless in making the changes that are needed right now.
We can build a new culture, a new way of life that is harmonious, sustainable, renewable, and regenerative if we only make an effort to wake up!