In this video from the Beauty & The Beasties exhibition at Sierra Arts Foundation, Will Roger and Crimson Rose share the inspirations behind their artwork. Will’s photography and Crimson’s Endlings series explore themes of love, extinction, and the natural world. Watch as they discuss their creative partnership and dedication to healing through art. Video by
Will Roger Explains the Inspiration Behind His Photography in Beauty & The Beastie
In April 2022, Beauty & The Beasties, an exhibition by Will Roger and Crimson Rose, was featured at the Sierra Arts Foundation's Riverside Gallery. This exhibition showcased Will’s photography series Provocative Portraits (1993-1996), Bouquets Ablaze (1997-present), and Labyrinth Walk (2015-present), reflecting his nearly 30-year artistic journey and his deep connection with Crimson Rose. The exhibition was a celebration of love, art, and healing, with Will’s works paired alongside Crimson’s evocative ecological assemblages from her Endlings series. In a video by, Will shared insights into his inspiration and philosophy, honoring his relationship with Crimson as the catalyst for his creative evolution.
Bouquets Ablaze at Reno International Airport
Bouquets Ablaze is on exhibit at the Reno International Airport from July to December 2022. The exhibition is curated by Maria Patridge of the Sierra Arts Gallery.
Bouquets Ablaze at Sierra Arts Gallery
I am intrigued by the anthropomorphic imagery that appears in my Bouquets Ablaze series.
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